People with institution matching "Max Plank Institute": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Osborne F.X. almeida (Info) Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry neuroscience, endocrinology, neuropharmacology OsborneAlmeida 2014‑07‑23
Michael Barnett-Cowan (Info) University of Waterloo Multisensory, perception and action, psychophysics, vestibular system laurence.r.harris 2008‑06‑23
Robert de Bruijn (Info) Carleton University michaelromero 2014‑01‑10
Florian Drawitsch (Info) National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London, Max Plank Institute ederancz 2018‑12‑06
Ambra Ferrari (Info) University of Birmingham, Donders Institute for Brain Cognition and Behaviour, Max Plank Institute for Psycholinguistics multisensory processes, prediction, learning, plasticity, communication AmbraFerrari 2017‑04‑23
Lorenzo Festa (Info) Max Plank Institute for Quantum Optics Ultracold atoms lfesta 2019‑08‑09
Winrich A. Freiwald (Info) Rockefeller visual system, face perception, attention, systems neuroscience svshepherd 2014‑06‑09
Martyn Goulding (Info) Salk Institute juvinlaurent 2009‑11‑05
Peter Gruss (Info) Max-Planck Institute Developemnt nano 2007‑05‑19
Todd M. Gureckis (Info) NYU Computational modeling, learning, categorization rgoldsto 2007‑10‑12
Peter Hagoort (Info) Radboud University Nijmegen Cognitive Neuroscience: Language grmangun 2008‑08‑16
Bill S Hansson (Info) Max Plank Institute for Chemical Ecology hany.dweck 2018‑05‑12
Michaela Hau (Info) Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Seewiesen ksoma 2014‑01‑08
Nikos K. Logothetis (Info) MPI Tuebingen visual system hayden 2005‑01‑16
Juan Pablo Lopez (Info) McGill, Max Plank Institute of Psychiatry, Karolinska MGSS 2018‑04‑24
Lars Meyer (Info) Max Planck Institute for Human Brain and Cognitive Sciences pliats 2012‑01‑06
Alessandro Nesti (Info) MPI for Biological Cybernetics, Campus Biotech multisensory integration, vestibular psychophysics, biotech mikebc 2010‑10‑03
Michael Ortiz-Rios (Info) National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), MPI for Biological Cybernetics, Newcastle University Medical School Auditory Neuroscience michaelortiz 2006‑12‑02
Christos Pliatsikas (Info) University of Kent Neurolinguistics pliats 2012‑01‑06
Azzurra Ruggeri (Info) Max Plank Institute for Human Development gureckis 2017‑06‑05
Bert Sakmann (Info) MPI for Medical Research ion channel physiology hayden 2005‑01‑16
Wolf Singer (Info) MPI Frankfurt hayden 2005‑01‑15
Kai-Florian Storch (Info) McGill Circadian, Chronobiology, Genetics iblum 2014‑08‑04
Alfredo Villarroel (Info) Srinakharinwirot University acetylcholine receptor, dopamine Donalfredo 2010‑08‑28
Ipshita Zutshi (Info) NYU Learning and Memory, Spatial Navigation ipshitazutshi 2016‑11‑21
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